We’ve violated this mitzvah on so many levels in our Faith. Catholicism and protestantism alike have added to and taken away from the Word of Yehovah despite His clear admonishment to the contrary (2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. (Deu 4:2 KJG)). Why? Why does man believe that by erecting constructs which ultimately translates in to religion, that it elevates or raises Him upwards to Father, makes Him seem more righteous and solidifies the relationship with the Father and guarantees salvation? At best it is quite presumptive and obtuse. Is it no wonder that judgment is coming to this world, especially to the United States, in a big way. So many well-meaning adherents to the Christian and Catholic Faith will be completely floored when the Master returns to this earth in His glory and they find that they are NOT favored of Him. Furthermore, millions will be sorely disappointed to find that they will endure terrible judgment and even death simply because they have neglected the weighiest matter of life: they relationship with the Most High. Instead of securing their own relationship with Father, man has elected to establish that relationship through intermediaries such as the Church and its many pastors, teachers and scholars. But the simple fact of the matter is, just like any personal relationship, we are required individually and personally to approach the other party in which we wish to have the relationship. There is no one to who can plead your case before the Creator before the Great White Throne but us as individuals. No vicar, no church leader, no one. In fact, those vicars and church leaders will be busy defending their own actions and negligent acts while living on this earth. Unlike our criminal justice system where we can hire an attorney to stand in the gap for us before the court, our judgment will have no such person in the gap.

All relationships, business or personal, have established rules. As obstinate as we may be, we practice this simple fact of life. In business, you are required to treat customers a certain way in order to retain them and customers must also adhere to rules such as you must pay the cost of the service or product in order to receive them. In relationships, marriage for instance, both parties must agree to be monogomous and faithful to the other or the whole things will collapse in to shambles. But when it comes to our Faith, religion sets the rules to the relationship. Crazy enough, the creator of the universe in the eyes of His creation, has absolutely no say in terms of the stipulations of that relationship contract. Interestingly enough, men can’t agree upon anything. Thus we have constant strife and disagreements not only between individuals but between nations. Is it no wonder why we have 30,000 plus Christian denominations on the planet today? The simple fact of the matter is that Father has set the rules for men to have a relationship with Him. Man has absolutely no part in establishing those rules and parameters. The only part man has is to obey and trust Him. As difficult a task as that may be for many, it is the stark reality of the situation. Thus, we must hold fast to the tenets of our Faith and obey every applicable law given to us by the All Mighty. It’s not difficult at all, despite what traditional churchianity teaches. It is quite doable and as Yeshua stated, His burden is light– 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Mat 11:30 KJG)