As my practice, I began my day with prayer followed by reading Torah. I deter from Torah reading, however, when specific events contained in Rood’s Chronological Gospels correspond to our Gregorian calendar date. In this case, events 114 and 115 happen to occur on this date. The passages are found in Matthew 15:39-16:4 and Mark 8:10-13. These little known passages once again point to the seemingly perpetual conflict Yeshua had with the Prushim/Pharisees and the Zadokim/Sadducees. This time, the Jewish religious leaders demand of Yeshua a sign from heaven, likely to certify Yeshua for their purposes, that He was the long-awaited Messiah. Yeshua was not ignorant as to their purpose and saw right through them. These folks were trying to trip the Master up and find more reasons to take Him down. Yeshua refused to provide any signs to them. Indeed, the Master had provided countless signs throughout His ministry that every well knowing person in the region would have heard about. The prophecies of His exploits were being fulfilled virtually every day. The Prushim and the Zadokim were experts at discerning everyday occurrences of natural and even unnatural events, yet they remained ignorant of proofs to Yeshua’s identity.
How often do we not see truths that are right in front of our faces each day? How many of us went through life as a traditional Christian, reading the same passages of Scripture year after year, and never seeing, never knowing, never understanding just who our Master was? How many of us, feeling as though we had made it in Christ looked past the words in our bible, never understanding the significance of Sabbath and the Feasts Days of Yehovah? Blinded by tradition, religion and the cares of this world.
For me, this was a very pertinent passage. It alerted me to be aware of my spiritual surroundings. We don’t need signs of what or why or who. We have the Ruach Kodesh and the Word. These two powerful entities, when used absent denominational influences, will lead us to all truths. Praise Yehovah for Messiah Yeshua. Have a blessed day in Messiah.