Greetings Fellow Saints in Training! Today was the 28th Day of the 2nd Biblical Month and the 39th day of the counting of the Omer. We trust that you have a blessed day in Messiah.

My Torah studies today took me to Numbers 23: 13-26. Those of you who are Torah buffs may be familiar with this passage of Scripture. This is a continuation of the Balak and Bil’am story whereby Balak, the king of Mo’av feared for the life of his country/nation as the nation of Israel was encamped nearby, too close for his comfort. Thus he attempts to hire a prophet to curse Israel-i.e., Bil’am, and neutralize the perceived threat. Balak takes Bil’am to high country after erecting 7-alters and making a significant sacrifice to Yehovah, to see the immense size of Israel. Bil’am then receives direction from Yehovah regarding what he should tell Balak and the message Bil’am has is not favorable to Balak’s desires to eliminate the perceived threat of Israel. Apart from telling Balak that Israel is protected by the Creator of the Universe, Yehovah also reveals some things about Himself that most believers tend to forget from time to time:

vs. 29-Yehovah is not a human who lies or a mortal who changes his mind. When Yah says something, He will do it; and when He makes a promise, He will fulfill it…(vs. 21) for Yehovah their Elohim (speaking of Israel) is with them and acclaimied as King among them…(vs. 23) thus one can’t put a spell on Ya’akov, no magic will work against Israel.

Imagine Balak’s disappointment upon receiving this news from Bil’am. Yet, I fear that our beloved Faith has over the last 2,000-years forgotten these iron-clad traits/characteristics of Yehovah, attributing to Father a change in Father’s plan for man. So much of what Christianity has adopted as doctrine, beliefs, and teachings is based upon the concept of progressive revelation that says that over time, the spirit of God has revealed greater and greater truths about the Father as well as we better understand our Creator and the person of Jesus Christ more than we ever could have. How presumptive we’ve become as a people, as supposed adherents to the Faith once delivered. The truth of the matter is that no one knew the Savior and the Father better than Yeshua’s handpicked apostles who delivered the true faith to the first century saints of old. The whole grace perversion is a prime example of how men have crept in to the Faith once delivered and over time convinced many that the Father really didn’t mean what He said previously or that the Father actually intends this and that for man and there was no way the apostles could have known the things we know today about the faith.

Hogwash! It is absolutely time that we stop playing church and return to the original ekklesia that was founded by Yeshua HaMaschiyach, become staunch and uncompromising disciples of Messiah, and adhere to the ways and the laws of Yehovah. Father has said without ambiguity, that He is the same today as He was yesterday and He does not change. There is no foundation beyond this truth upon which one can nor should they even try, to build their faith. Any move towards adding to or subtracting from the Word that Father has given is only leading one to religion and religion has no place in our Faith. No place.

Shalom. Be most blessed.