Greetings Fellow Saints in Training. Today was the 27th Day of the 2nd Biblical month and the 38th day of the counting of the omer. I trust you had a lovely day in Messiah.

This morning prior to going to work and as part of my daily Torah studies, I happened upon Rood’s Astronomically and Agriculturally Corrected Biblical Hebrew Calendar that highlighted the Miracle at the well as having occurred this past Sunday-in accordance to The Chronological Gospels: The Life and Seventy Week Ministry of the Messiah. Somehow I had missed that over the last two days. Given that my anticipated Torah reading passage was rather short, I squeezed in the reading of this story which is found in John 4: 5-43. You all know the story I certain so I won’t go into the particulars here. Suffice to say, however, that what I found quite astounding and what I seemed to have missed all these years was the beautiful prophetic shadow picture portrayed in this unique story. The Samaritan woman at the well, whose name was never mentioned, but who has gone down in Christian history as the woman who confronted the Master at Yaakov’s well in Samaria about the Jew’s views of her people.

The story goes into the woman being asked by the Master for a drink of water from the well. The amazed woman, obviously learned in the ways of the Jews and their disdain towards gentiles calls Yahoshua out on the carpet that He is violating a central tenet of the Jew’s religion. Yahoshua uses this situation as an evangelistic opportunity and in a rare and most amazing revelation, He announces to her that He is indeed the prophesied Messiah. In the interim the Savior uses the analogy of water to get His point across to the woman as well as He exercises His bordering on god-like knowledge of the woman’s personal situation. Eventually the woman realizes that indeed this is the prophet that Moshe foretold of whom we must Shema. She goes and fetches the town’s inhabitants who come to witness this most auspicious appearance of the one foretold would come to earth and set man free from the bonds of sin and death.

The passage goes on to read: “Many of the Samaritans of that village believed in him because of the testimony of the woman who declared, “He told me everything that I ever did!” When the Samaritans arrived at the well, they begged Him to stay with them, so He abode there two days. Many more believed because of Yeshua’s own words, and they said to the woman, “Now we believe, not because of what you said but because we have heard Him ourselves. WE know truly that this is the Messiah, the redeemer of the world. Now after two days, Yeshua departed from Sh’khem and went into the Galilee. (John 4: 39-43)

Most of us who profess to be Messianic, Torah Observant Believers, are Gentiles. We have been tremendously blessed to have been included and grafted in to the promise given to the Children of Israel. We’ve had 2,000-years (the equivalent of the two-days Yeshua spent with the Samaritans) to get our acts together and come in to the fold. We are now in the year 6014. The end of the two-days is rapidly approaching. Yeshua said, “…the hour has now come when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in  truth, for the Father seeks such worship.” (vs. 23) I ask each of us today, have we treasured the two-days Messiah spent with us and are we truly worshipping Father as He has so much sought from us? May we not squander these two-days that Messiah abides with us. May you be most blessed. Shalom.