Today is the 21st Day of the 2nd biblical month and the 32nd day of the counting of the omer. I trust this brief post finds you and yours well and blessed. Shalom.

My #Torah study today provided a prophetic shadow picture of the Master and His sacrifice at Calvary. In #Numbers21, the people once again complained to #Moshe about their arduous situation in the desert. Father permitted fiery serpents to plague the children of promise, causing many to die. The people petitioned Moshe to intercede on their behalf before Father for relief. Father instructed that Moshe construct a brass serpent to be hanged upon a pole in the midst of the camp so that anyone who was bitten by a serpent would be saved! Indeed, this act would translate into a similar act of compassion and salvation some 1400-years later. Yeshua was hung from a pole-the perfect man, the second Adam, #Y’hovah’s chosen one, #HaMashiach–in the midst of our lives. This act for the last 2000-years has provided life to a dying world as each and every soul is compelled to look up at the One who will crush the head of the serpent and live–oh not just live today (although He does provide us abundant life each and every day) but for all eternity. This is truly amazing and wonderful. Most of you probably are aware of this story and the shadow picture is painted, as I was. However, for me, it is a wondrous and reaffirming thing to read this passage of Numbers yet again and be reminded of the sacrifice the Master made for me on the cross. I hope that you too are encouraged and reminded. May you have a blessed day and walk in the power and might of #RuachHaKodesh.