Shalom Saints in Training! Today is the 16th Day of the 2nd Biblical Month and the 27th day of the Counting of the Omer. My morning Torah study and time with Father brought me to Number chapter 18. Here Yehovah provides for the well-being of the Levitical priesthood. Unlike any other tribe in #Israel, the Levites received their entire sustenance and income from the other tribes when those tribes came before Yehovah to offer sacrifices. What I found most interesting in this chapter was the #mitzvah that Aaron and his sons (i.e., the Levitical priesthood) would not have any inheritance or own any property. This was not the most compelling mitzvah however. The most compelling part of this mitzvah is Father’s explanation for the Levites not owning any property-“You are not to have any inheritance in their land; I AM YOUR PORTION AND INHERIANCE AMONG THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL” (vs. 20).

We, as true Believers of Messiah have been called to be priests as #Yeshua is the Cohen Gadol forever. As priests of the Most High, our life, our joy, our purpose, our all, should become entirely focused and centered upon Yehovah. How much of our lives is spent seeking and chasing after rewards and wealth and all the trappings that this life has to offer when we’ve been told through this prophetic shadow picture that Yehovah is to be our portion and inheritance? I have to tell you, this passage spoke very loudly to my soul. I’ve spent so much time chasing after earthly success and reward when the reality should be that Yehovah has called you and me to a much greater office. That office provides successes and wealth beyond the mundane things of this life. Our relationship with the Most High is greater than any earthly success or wealth and it takes a special set of eyes to actually grab hold of this pearl. Granted, we are instructed to provide for ourselves in terms of our food, clothing, and shelter-especially as it relates to us in the 21st century. However, our focus, as kings and priests, must not be upon earthly successes and wealth-but it must be upon our priestly calling and serving the Father with total abandonment.

May you walk in the power and might of #RuachHaKodesh this day and may we claim our priestly heritage and serve the Father in Spirit and Truth. Shalom.