Greetings to you all this 23rd Day of the #CountingoftheOmer and the 12th Day of the 2nd Biblical Month on the Creator’s Sacred Calendar. Today’s #Torah reading marked the commandment by the Almighty to His people to wear #Tzitzits on each corner of their garments. #Tzitziyot are fringes of intertwined threads with a single blue thread in the midst of the other white threads. The Almighty commanded that we wear these fringes at each of the 4-corners of our garments so that “you look at and thereby remember all of Adonai’s mitzvot and obey them, so that you won’t go around wherever your own heart and eyes lead you to prostitute yourselves; but it will help you remember and obey all my mitzvot and be holy for your God.” (Num. 15:37-41 CJB)

I began wearing this unique appendage to my daily clothing after seeing fellow believers where them for quite some time. I guess I elected to follow suite because to me, I wanted to ensure that I took with my on my day-to-day journey through life, a two-fold remember and symbol of my enduring relationship with the Almighty. It reminds me of my commitment to #Messiah and my commitment to obey His #Torah. Also, as a symbol that is clearly visible to the world, it clearly tells the people round about me that I am not ashamed of the Gospel of #Yeshua #HaMashiach and that my commitment to my #Faith is deeper than mere head knowledge and occasional verbal confirmation. I dare not violate #Torah or act unbecoming of my calling and choosing as I wear this amazing symbol of commitment to my #Master.

Is wearing #Tzitziyot for every believer? I would like to think so. It is a #commandment given in our #Torah. However, I also believe it must be a personal decision that every believer must make for themselves. There can not be a forced compliance here as it does require one to be willing to stand before all those before him/her to see a symbol of one’s commitment. Those of us who are married wear each day of our lives a symbol of our commitment to stay true to our spouses–the wedding band or ring. Not everyone is willing to wear one. I’m certain the reasons why one would not wear one are varied. Those of us who do wear wedding bands are saying through our display that we are not ashamed nor are we slack in our commitment to our spouses. It too is a reminder of our commitment to our spouses and to the world, and it should keep us on the straight and narrow in terms of our being faithful to our spouses. The #Tzitziyot is the exact same principle. Although I was initial self-conscious wearing it when I began wearing it so many months ago, I am now very conscious of it not being on me when I don’t have it on (i.e., I forget to put it on my person). I love this symbol and embrace it with love and joy. I tug on these fringes throughout the day and it certainly causes me to wonder how my walk is doing. Some may argue that we no longer need such trappings as we’ve been given the Holy Spirit. That would be the only argument for not wearing Tzitziyot that I would give some credence to. However, #RuachHaKodesh gives us power internally to live the lives that #Messiah demands we live. The Tzitziyot gives us the visual identity and tactile evidence of our commitment. May you be most blessed fellow Saints in Training.