As I read Numbers 15:8-16, any doubt that I had about the applicability of Torah to true Believers in Messiah was quickly erased. vs. 15 reads,

“…there will be the same law for you as for the foreigner living with you; this is a permanent regulation through all your generations; the foreigner is to be treated the same way before Adonai as yourselves.”

The vs. 16 continues,

“The same Torah and standard of judgment will apply to both you and the foreigner living with you.” (CJB)

I was absolutely blessed receiving this passage. Of course I had already come to believe that Torah was applicable to the Believer, but had little to hand my hat on when it came to actually supporting this belief to others who would contend that Torah was nailed to the cross of Christ and that we are no longer under Torah. This passage of Holy Writ certainly reveals the mind of Yehovah. His desire and intent is for Torah to be a universal rule and guide to all His chosen ones. Contrary to some, Torah has not been done away with nor did it only apply to the Jew. Nowhere in the Gospel record did Master say that He’d replaced Torah nor did He insinuate in some saying that, “hey Peter, John, and James, when I am taken from this world, be assured and inform everyone who would be my disciple that my sacrifice will eliminate Torah as a requisite.”

Torah royally stands despite the many attempts by some to twist Shaul’s teachings related to Torah. As hard as scholars and church leaders may try to twist the words and teachings of Shaul related to Torah, Shaul NEVER said Torah had been replaced by grace. If Shaul had recorded these words, his credibility and work would and should be highly suspect and even dismissed. I once believed that Shaul taught this. But thank Yah for revealing the facts. It all comes down to interpreting the teachings of Shaul through the lens of the Hebraic Root of our Faith.

In my ongoing journey and studies related to Church and Christian history, the primary change in attitude against believers embracing Torah as the basis by which they govern their walk with Messiah has been the infiltration of men into the body who’ve taken liberties with the grace of Yehovah through the sacrifice of Yeshua. As gentiles, wh have, through Messiah’s sacrifice and Yehovah’s grand provisiono, been grafted into the body of Israel (spiritual). Thus, we must draw from the same stream of spiritual nutrients the main branch draws from. Bottom line, there is NO special provision made for the gentile believer apart from being included in the eternal promises and inheritance that Father gave to the Children of Israel.

Be Most Blessed Saints. Shalom.