Praise Him-Psm. 34:1; Heb. 13:15-…let us offer the sacrifice of praise continually to God, that is, the fruit of our lips confessing His name

i. Sacrifice of praise=thusia ainesis -as an action praise, a speaking of how excellent Yah is; a thank offering to Yehovah for some benefit received 

ii. Providing acceptable service & Faith as an offering to Yehovah

iii. Sacrifices =offerings were offered to atone for sin

iv. vs. 16-do not neglect to do good & share what we have

v. we have no Temple in which to sacrifice or offer thanksgiving as noted in Lev. 7:12-we see here an awesome shadow picture of thanksgiving offerings transitioning to direct praise offerings from our being and out of our mouths

vi. and with the sacrifice offering comes the calling on the name of Yehovah as mentioned by David-Psm. 116:17

vii. Yehovah requires that it be freely presented-Lev. 22:29

G. Consult Yah’ s Word-Yah reveals Himself through His Word

H. Seek to overcome the flesh-Gal. 5:17-the contention that exists between the flesh and Spirit; if flesh prevails, death results while living in the Spirit brings about life-Rom. 8:13