This past week, I had the amazing good fortune to interview my wife Hilary, about a topic that is vitally important to any and all Believers of Messiah–How Should Believers Worship Yehovah? The crux of this interview comes ahead of the release of Hilary’s upcoming book on this subject. She posted this interview on her website, It’s Not As You Perceive. I thought it would be relevant to share this interview with you, the friends of The Messianic Torah Observer and Torah Living. The content of this interview is essential knowledge every believer should possess as it relates to how they interact with Yehovah on a daily, weekly, and life basis. Your perceptions on the topic of worship may be tainted by fundamental churchianity’s practices and teachings, which may not be consistent with what Yehovah desires of us in our worship of Him. May the content of this post bless you and provide you greater understanding of True Worship that is done in spirit and truth.