Who We Are and What We Believe-Teach and Promote
What exactly do we mean by Yeshua-Focused Torah Living?
Well, our central theme is derived from the shocking statement our Master made to His inner-core disciples on an unnamed hilltop:
Do not think that I have come to loosen Torah or the Prophets. I have not come to loosen but to fulfill. For truly I say to you that until heaven and earth pass away, not one Yodh or one stroke will pass from Torah until everything happens. All who loosen, therefore, from one (of) these small commandments and teach thus to the sons of man, will be called little in the Kingdom of Heaven, but all who do and teach this will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. For I say to you that unless your righteousness exceeds more than that of the scribes and the Pharisees, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 5:17-20; AENT).
Denominationalists have over the years used this, what I have come to refer to as a critical key to the Kingdom, to promote an anti-Jewish and anti-Torah agenda that has resulted in many of the faithful adopting “anomic” (aka an iniquitous or lawless) lifestyle and belief system. Our Catholic counterparts are no different, having chosen to also live and believe in a manner that is not consistent with the Creator’s prescribed Way of life for His human creation. And what did Yeshua say would happen to such individuals on judgment day?
“I will profess to them that from everlasting, I have NOT known you. Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity (aka lawlessness; without Torah)” (Matthew 7:23; AENT).
I don’t know about you beloved, but I certainly want to make it into the Kingdom. I want to hear our Master on that great and fearsome day say to me: “Well done good and faithful servant! You have been faithful…” (Matthew 25:21). And certainly, if you are of a spiritually right mind, you too desire to make it into the Kingdom and to hear Master Yahoshua congratulate you with a well-done, good and faithful servant.
But the trillion-dollar question that must be answered in response to our fervent desires for inheriting the Kingdom is how do we make it into the Kingdom? What must we do in our lives today to get Master Yahoshua to call us good and faithful servants who have been faithful?
Turns out that Yeshua-Focused Torah Living holds the key to our making it into the Kingdom of God and to our hearing our Messiah declare us as good and faithful servants. And this is what this ministry is focused on: Living that exceeding righteous life that gets us into the Kingdom.
If you’ve been seeking your whole life for the true path to the Kingdom that Yeshua and His elected-selected-anointed disciples turned apostles preached and taught, and you desire to truly walk that narrow path that leads to life, turn your life over to Yehovah today, for today is the day of salvation. First, believe that Yeshua died for your sins so that you may enter into a true and substantive covenant relationship with the Creator of the Universe. If you believe that Yeshua did, in fact, die for your sins, turn to Yehovah, confess your sins to Him, and ask His forgiveness. You don’t need a priest or preacher to make this happen. This is a personal thing that must be between you and your Father. Yeshua will be there interceding on your behalf. Then, determine from that time forward to walk exclusively in His ways and never look back.
You’re going to need to be to be water immersed (aka baptized) at some point sooner than later. But in the meantime, you’re going to need to become a disciple of Yeshua Messiah so that you can learn to walk in Yah’s holy and righteous ways and please Him. Connect with a local Messianic Congregation that Yehovah, your Father, directs and leads you to.
Beloved: Today is the day of salvation.
And remember: We are always here to provide any assistance that we possibly can. So please don’t hesitate to contact us through the various contact mediums posted on this site.
How to Get the Most out of TMTO
This ministry in its present format cannot replace or fully substitute the set-apart convocation or fellowship that the writer of Hebrews admonished his readers not to forsake (Hebrews 10:25). But what we have been led to put together for any covenant-keeping Kingdom-seekers is a discipling and kingdom conditioning resource. We believe that the content that is housed on this platform will equip any would-be Netzer who possesses a circumcised heart and spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear. So, we humbly encourage you to grab your favorite cup of soothing coffee or tea, maybe a crumpet or two, and settle in for some rather engaging content that we are certain will enhance your walk in Yeshua Messiah. We post content on this platform at least once a week.
First and foremost, we encourage every visitor and subscriber to listen to The Messianic Torah Observer podcast and blog posts. We cover a great number of topics, issues, and subjects, all of which are relevant to our Faith-walk. If you have a specific topic or issue you wish to read or hear about, we strongly encourage you to make full use of the Podcast and Blog “Index Page.”
Furthermore, if you are committed to walking in a Yeshua-Focused Torah life, make good use of the Observational Hebrew Calendar (updated monthly) that we provide on this platform to keep you up to date on the days that our Heavenly Father has set aside for those who are called by His Name to meet with and worship Him.
We ask that all visitors and subscribers to this site feel free to reach out to us if they have any questions related to the posted content via our primary email addresses: perceptionwp@gmail.com and notasyouperceive@gmail.com. Subscribe to this ministry if you are so led, so that we may inform you of any future TMTO happenings. Follow us on the indicated social media platforms as well.
Netsari-Messianic Nazarene Calendar
Shalom! We are Officially in the 12th Month of Yah’s Sacred Calendar Year. This is a Critical Time of the Year. Will the Barley be Aviv by the End of this Month? We will stay on top of this and report the latest updates.
One of our beloved searchers in the Land just published her findings of volunteer barley that you might find enlightening: 2025 March 17 Barley Inspection.
Note: (1) Rosh Chodesh denotes the New Moon or the start of a new Biblical Month on the Hebrew Calendar. (2) All provided dates are derived from the Observational Calendar. We rely upon the sighting of the renewed moon over the Land of Israel to determine the start of new months as well as when Feasts will occur. Thus, the “Projected” in parentheses next to each calendar event denotes the printed date pending the sighting of the renewed moon. (3) For specifics on each month, we encourage you to reference the calendar we post each month under the Essentials of the Faith menu. (4) The parenthetical (Projected) is to alert that the cited dates are wholly dependent on (A) the maturity of the barley crop and (B) the siting of the renewed moon from the land of Yisra’el at the end of the 12th Biblical Month. See our discussion on “Why I Keep the Torah (Observational) Calendar and not the Other Popular Messianic Calendars.”
Updated: 3/18/2025
Hebrew and Jewish History for the Week of the 23rd of March, 2025
- Tradition has it that on the 25th day of this 12th month, in 397 BCE, Babylonian Emperor Nebuchadnezzer died.
- On the 28th day of this 12th month (M-rch 29) is Shabbat haChodesh: the last Sabbath before Biblical Rosh haShannah.
Unlocking the Keys to the Kingdom Part 2: Binding and Loosing on Earth and in Heaven
Greetings and Introductions Greetings saints of the Most High. Welcome to another installment of the Messianic Torah Observer. Rod Thomas coming to you on a beautiful Spring midweek day here in the DFW. I want to thank you for taking the time out of your busy...
Unlocking the Keys to the Kingdom: Understanding Yeshua’s Teachings in Light of Torah
Greetings and Introductions Greetings saints of the Most High. Welcome to another installment of the Messianic Torah Observer. Rod Thomas coming to you on a beautiful Spring Preparation Day here in the DFW. I want to thank you for taking the time out of your busy...
Shabbat Zachor – Blotting out the Spirit of Esau in the Lives of God’s People
Greetings and Introductions As I am publishing this discussion, it is the 6th day of the 12th month on Yah's sacred calendar year, which translates to March 7, 2025. And we are potentially less than a month away from biblical Rosh HaShannah. As we near the end of this...